Scotts WaterSmart Grass seed Turf builder

Scotts WaterSmart Grass seed Turf builder, Starter food for new grass. This is an instruction video post to help you Avoid mistakes I made during my lawn installation. Firstly, I do not work for scotts, however, I have used the Scotts WaterSmart Grass seed Turf builder products, and am recommending them to anyone who wants a great looking, weed free new lawn. The Scotts turf builder and watersmart products are not cheap, and it would be impossible for me to say definitively whether any of the cheaper or other brand name lawn care products could produce the same results. I can say this would not be my first attempt at growing grass from seed, in both the early and late planting seasons. The cost of the Scotts WaterSmart Grass seed Turf builder, and Starter food for new grass, had in the past, steered me toward cheaper products. Lack of knowledge, on my part, toward the correct application of the grass seed and starter fertilizer Most definitely affected my results.
My first mistake was not fully understanding The Sq foot application numbers on the packaging. Likely because, like most people short on spare time, I did not read the label and failed to realize the most prominent number on the bag of grass seed is a “seeds up to,,,,, sq feet” and “overseeding”. Understanding this is a huge error when spreading the new grass seed as you may likely only spread half the recommended amount. The other giant mistake I made was in the use,, or not of the Scotts Starter food for new grass. This became wildly evident on the second half of my back yard lawn, and will your new lawn install if you do not use this product. The Starter food for new lawns has weed prevention additives plus fertilizer for the new grass seed. New lawns started on freshly spread loam will sprout weeds in half the time it takes for the grass seed to germinate. You will regret not using the starter food, and be glad you did with in 2 weeks after planting your new lawn.
All of the above information comes with the caveat that you have read the instructions on the scotts lawn products used here carefully, and adhered to them firmly, including the part about the watering schedule for the first several weeks. This is a MUST, as once wet, sun dried grass seed does not grow. The next video in this how to plant a new lawn series will be a time lapse of 35 days of the grass in my back yard. = Digg ThisAdd To Add To Furl Add To Reddit Fav This With Technorati Add To Yahoo MyWeb Add To Newsvine Add To Google Bookmarks Add To Bloglines Add To Ask Add To Windows Live Add To Slashdot Stumble This =