Make Grader Blade Fit Garden Tractor

Tarter 5' RBSC5, Can I make this Grader blade fit my garden tractor. The 3 point hitch mounted back blade/grader blade is a Tarter 5' RBSC5 purchased at Tractor supply and branded county line. The blade specifies cat1 hook up with cat0 spacing. My tractor is a white gt1855 and cat0 on the hitch mounting points. after several hours of turning lower pins and making bushes to be welded in the top link, to reduce the size, the grader blade was finally attached to the tractor. The blade was manly purchased to be the snow removal counter part to the front mounted snow blower. The added weight of the rear grader blade hanging from the hitch added much needed weight to the rear of the tractor to offset the snow blower box mounted to the front.

comments Tarter 5' RBSC5, Grader blade, Garden tractor 3 point hitch attachments. A Grader blade can be used on the rear of the tractor for grading and leveling the ground. The Tarter 5' RBSC5, Grader blade, can be used for grading sand, snow and gravel. Some refer to this type of 3 point hitch attachment as a "backblade" as being mounted under the center of the garden tractor would be a "belly mount" grader blade. The Tarter 5' RBSC5 is reversable for pushing and has a double sided cutting edge. The Tarter 5' RBSC5 Is made in the U.S.A with the exception of the lower 3 point hitch pins. It has proven it self as a worthy complement to my tractor mounted snow blower for snow removal during winter months and grader duty for dirt driveways in the spring. Rear 3-point hookup quick-hitch compatible. 5′ Rear Grader Blade Sub-Compact Item #: RBSC5 PTO HP Rating: 18-32 Unit Height: 26″ Approx. Weight: 168 lbs. Width: 60″ Length: 22″ Blade Height: 13″ = Digg ThisAdd To Add To Furl Add To Reddit Fav This With Technorati Add To Yahoo MyWeb Add To Newsvine Add To Google Bookmarks Add To Bloglines Add To Ask Add To Windows Live Add To Slashdot Stumble This =