Installing new lawn spreading loam pt1

Installing new lawn, preparing an area for growing grass from seed, usually begins with the spreading of loam. Amending the soil with lime to correct the pH. Using a lawn dethatcher to loosen the top few inches. I will planting Scotts watersmart grass seed and applying scotts new lawn starter fertilizer. A Scotts DLX broadcast spreader set to recommended settings and finishing with a home made lawn roller for better seed/soil contact.
I have found late September planting of grass seed far supirior to spring time new lawn installation as the amount of watere needed to keep the soil moist during the germanation of the grass seed is far less. The cooler weather of late season planting promotes beter conditions for the young grass plants due to lower soil temperature. This video is part1 of new lawn installation where I will show you all the how to and why I did it the way I did. Starting with the spreading of the loam, and finishing with a time lapse of the Scotts watersmart grass seed product. Troy-Bilt® FLEX dethatcher homemade lawn roller, Scotts Dlx Broadcast spreader, Scotts waterSmart grass seed, Scotts starter fertilzer for new lawns. = Digg ThisAdd To Add To Furl Add To Reddit Fav This With Technorati Add To Yahoo MyWeb Add To Newsvine Add To Google Bookmarks Add To Bloglines Add To Ask Add To Windows Live Add To Slashdot Stumble This =