Suburban Tractor Fever = farmer ROCKNTV1

Suburban Tractor Fever: Is john ROCKNTV1 gone country farmer, I don't thin so, lol. I can tell you I have been bitten by the sears suburban garden tractor bug. Take a loo inside my garage at my growing fleer of suburban and sears custom Garden tractors. My suburban tractor fever began a bit over a year ago with a sears custom 7 tractor. Over that year I worked the little 7 hp Tecumseh power tractor and realized there was no comparison to the new ride on lawn mowers available at the outlet stores. Thus began my quest for the suburban tractor seen here. My first purchase of suburban tractor parts landed me a 1966 model with a 12 hp hh120 engine and a 1972 suburban 15 with 42" mower deck. Later in the same month I made a trade for an suburban ss15 for parts that had a 16 horse power Briggs and stratton cast iron engine in good condition. The big single cylinder Briggs engines have a cast iron fly wheel that is almost as large as the front tire. It is the torque of these engines and the ability of these tractors to put the power to the ground that has caused my Suburban Tractor Fever.
TAG by me,Suburban Tractor custom 7 ss15 sears roper briggs and stratton engine garden pto antique restore automotive mechanic power tools home shop hobby project landscaping hitch pull wheel weights tecumseh cub cadet tiller plow blower farm trailer parts firewood logging = Digg ThisAdd To Add To Furl Add To Reddit Fav This With Technorati Add To Yahoo MyWeb Add To Newsvine Add To Google Bookmarks Add To Bloglines Add To Ask Add To Windows Live Add To Slashdot Stumble This =