scotts dlx broadcast spreader video

Using my scotts dlx broadcast spreader to spread lime fertilizer and seed on my loam, for a new lawn. Video of the small assembly required before using the dlx broadcast spreader with edge guard. The scotts dlx has a feature called edge guard that directs the spread of materials away from surfaces such as driveways. This scotts dlx broadcast spreader # 76232 holds up to 15,000 sq ft of grass seed or other soil amendments. In the video I use the scotts dlx to broadcast spread a quick 40 lbs of lime on on my freshly spread loam. scotts dlx broadcast spreader video review. Scotts Turf Builder Edge Guard DLX 15,000 sq. ft. Push Broadcast Spreader model 76232 is made from plastic and is easily cleaned with a garden hose. Easy to use and assemble. = Digg ThisAdd To Add To Furl Add To Reddit Fav This With Technorati Add To Yahoo MyWeb Add To Newsvine Add To Google Bookmarks Add To Bloglines Add To Ask Add To Windows Live Add To Slashdot Stumble This =