This blog is an opinion, dedicated to bringing information about health, diet, nutrition and the benefit of outdoor cooking,coupled with growing your own vegetable garden, that promotes a lifestyle of healthy eating for all. At BARBECUE IN THE GARDEN we suggest that by gardening your own vegetables, that you will become more active, there by losing weight. Also that by growing your own garden produce you will save money. And further that that by cooking outdoors on your BARBECUE in the garden that your stress level may be pleasantly deminished.
It is not to be used as definitive answers to medical issues of any kind ,but more of a guide. As with any nutritional, health, or dieting regimen, consultation with you favorite doctor is always advisable as a prerequisite to making any changes in your currant diet or exorcise habits.
ENJOY a more slim, toned,low body fat count,ripped body, the way nature intended.
