Vine ripe tomatoes late season bucket gardening

Vine ripe tomatoes, late season gardening. Again growing tomatoes and cucumbers in 5 gallon buckets, a video showing you my vine ripened tomatoes, cucumbers an bell peppers, after being eaten by deer earlier in the growing season. My vegetables are all growing vertically in my wire roof greenhouse and trained to climb up, instead of using traditional tomato cages or staking. Having made cuttings of my plants in may and early june will insure my garden will produce plenty of fruit for the next month or so of warm weather.
What seemed to be a cold and rainy summer has turned into a decent august come back, for my self watering bucket garden. Here i show you my tomato varieties that include super sweet 100 cherry tomatoes, better boy , and big beef. My cucumbers are straight eight and Boston pickling variety. Green bell peppers, and even some bonnie pumpkins that the deer ate down to the stem. I use an organic fungicide / insecticide called neem oil to protect my vegetables from powdery mildew that occurs when the nights get cooler.
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